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Summer Showcase



We are sponsoring a Summer Showcase event this summer to assist teams in getting exposure.  This event is  open to club and high school teams* and will provide a high quality training experience for players preparing for their upcoming high school soccer season.  This will be competitive, yet friendly matches allowing players get important game situation developmental opportunities in this unusual summer.  In addition, players will have the opportunity to gain exposure from college coaches that will be attending the event.

  • Dates - July TBD

  • Each team plays 3 games

  • Games will be 40 minute halves with running clock and open substitution (on goals and anytime the ball is out of bounds).

  • Games may end in ties

  • Games will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Sundays are rain dates)


We are also working on providing training session provided by various college coaches - more info provided as it becomes available. 

If you need more info please contact us


Chris Bates            Addae Rique

314-225-5396       314-835-7639

per Lou Mazzocco - MSHSAA Assistant Executive Director 

During the summer, the limitations placed upon competition is up to the local school in determining whether a team competing is a school activity or not.  If a school does deem an activity as school sanctioned, the team may use school uniforms and school equipment.  Who these teams compete against is at the discretion of the school and coaches.  It would, therefore, be up to the local school if they wished to compete only against other school teams or teams not affiliated with schools.




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